Wednesday, 16 December 2015

Welcome to our blog!

Hey Everyone, 

First of all, welcome to our blog! It is our first blog so keep that in mind when reading the reviews and they seem a bit amateurish.  Before we get to the introduction, here is a sketch that hopefully show you what we hope for our blog will look like when we have finalized it and finished the design. It is a sketch of the the basic layout of the expected blog.

So who are we?

We are Sydney Food Bloggers, this blog will explore various food, cafe and dessert restaurants within Sydney region and review the food/drinks offered by various restaurants. As you can tell we love food and what better way is there to share our passion for food other than reviewing some of our favorite restaurants to eat at. 

We hope you enjoy reading our blog and hope that we can help you find some of the best restaurants to dine at within the Sydney region that suit your taste buds. Feel free to leave us feedback as to what you think about our blog!

Just to introduce ourselves, below is a photo of us each enjoying in Max Brenner Chocolate Bar. 
Sydney Food Blogger at Max Brenner Chocolate Bar
Welshman (top), Sheenal (bottom) & Ella (right)

We hope you enjoy reading our blog as much as we enjoyed writing and reviewing the food/desserts/drinks!

- Ella (Yichen. Lin), Sheenal, Welshman

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